Pet Grooming Studio Academy

(Dog grooming school in Richmond Hill Ontario)

pet grooming stdio academy, contact us

Empower Your Journey: Contact Us Today! 

Thank you for considering Pet Grooming Studio Academy as your go-to place for pet grooming career training. We are always delighted to hear from our potential students and answer any questions you may have.

If you have any queries or would like to schedule an appointment with us, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our friendly team is always here to assist you in any way we can.

To get in touch, you can either fill out the contact form below or give us a call directly. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours.

We're excited to hear from you and look forward to the opportunity to provide you with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the world of pet grooming.

Best regards,

The Pet Grooming Studio Academy Team

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680 Major Mackenzie Dr. E Richmond Hill  ON Canada L4C 1J9

If you wish to visit our school, please make an appointment. We cannot allow any visitors to enter our workshop without an appointment in advance ( for safety reasons ).

Contact by phone/fax: 905-883-9456


The location map ▷

Professional Dog Grooming Service

Pet Grooming Studio

pet grooming studio

Dog Grooming Salon Website:


Access Map